Practice areas

what makes us different?

The integration of specialists with diverse experiences, who are dedicated to a matter that has implications in more than one field of law. This allows us to provide a comprehensive vision, the broadest and most creative solution to the same matter, according to the client's needs. Our legal team is a combination of experience and youth that brings together a talented group.

We specialize in:

Through innovative experience and commitment to people, we will be leaders in the provision of professional legal advisory services.


Civil, Mercantil, Familiar, Concursal, Fiscal, Laboral, Administrativo, Amparo/Constitucional, Agrario.

Derecho Civil

y Derecho Familiar.

Derecho de las insolvencias / Concursos Mercantiles

Corporativo / Societario

Fideicomisos y Herencias

Derecho Administrativo

Derecho Fiscal

Derecho Agrario

Juego y Entretenimiento

Derecho de la protección al consumidor


Derecho Mercantil

Derecho Laboral

Arbitraje Comercial

Derecho Fiduciario

Our clients

The clients of the Acosta & Asociados firm are mostly national and foreign companies and businessmen whose activity takes place in the following industries: